Wednesday, 26 August 2009
"Ultimate" Frisbee
No, no you didn't, you bought a round piece of plastic for £1.99 from a shop that also sells Cornetto's, Spades, Disposable Cameras, Windbreaks (what are they all about?!) and those rough wicker roll-mat things. You then attempted to throw this piece of plastic back and forth between you and your child, the wind kept blowing it away, you gave up and had a donkey ride instead.
Ultimate, wasn't there something better they could have called it?
Next time a colleague asks, I think it's less embarrassing to reply with Donkey Ride.
This post was mostly written with a full belly of thai food from Sabai Sabai, yum.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
August happenings...
Leamington Lemmings 1, Open Tour Nationals, Cardiff, August 2009
Before Nationals was Ooh Devon, a fairly new beach tournament in Exmouth and two weekends ago was Brighton Beyond. Only my second year at this tournament, but I had another great time. It's a fairly high standard (some teams were using it as a Euros warm-up) mixed tournament, well organised, good pitches, good facilities and a nice laid-back feel with a friendly party.
Last weekend we had a frisbee social. We've tried to come up with an alternative to drinks in the pub, meals out, and instead held the inaugural Lemmings Battle of the Bands. It was a hugely successful evening, I'd strongly recommend it to any frisbee teams looking for something a bit different.
We had local acts the Czech Cheque Checkers, along with regional favourites Tone play in the function room of our local pub. A few of our players also decided to 'create' bands just for the night, Poke the Dragon and TTT*C played their first ever gigs. If you've got lots of time to waste and don't care for your hearing too much, you can check out a few tracks by TTT*C here , although they did only have a total of two hours practice prior to playing, don't say I didn't warn you!
Plus it's just been announced that Indoor 'Nationals' will be held in Glasgow, brilliant. So that's a really long journey for pretty much all teams involved, alternatively, which I think is more likely, is that lots of Southern teams just won't bother. Teams like Exeter's Flapcrack for instance will have a ten hour or so journey to get there. A northern regionals event seems like a great idea, but surely the national final should be somewhere more central?
Anyways, I'm off to find some futuristic clothing for Copa this weekend, lets hope it's sunny!
This post was mostly written whilst listening to Rage Against the Machine.