
Friday, 29 June 2012

Visit the theatre in Leamington...

Fancy the theatre, then why not head to The Loft in Leamington on Thursday 19th July
to see Alan Bennett's  "Talking Heads"; all profits go to Cancer Research UK.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A few links to take a look at...


For those with an interest in badminton, or finding out what Ultimate Frisbee is, click on any of the links.

Should anyone wish to donate any prizes for the next LUCRE (Leamington Ultimate and Cancer REsearch) Charity Tournament, then please get in touch.

Cancer Research UK (Just Giving Fundraiser Page)

LUCRE Tournament (Charity Frisbee Tournament)

Leamington Lemmings Ultimate Club (Frisbee)

Leamington Badminton Club (Leamington Spa)

Barkers Butts Badminton Club (Coventry)

Bowling Green Badminton Club (Warwick)