
Friday, 4 September 2009

Ultimate Clubs AGM

The Leamington Lemmings AGM is tonight.

University clubs have already had their AGMs for the forthcoming year, they did that ages ago. When do most Open (or Mixed or Womens) clubs have their AGM? At the end of the UKUA Tour Season (i.e. now) seems like a fairly logical place to start, but it's a long way off the start of the next outdoor season. Then again, do the Captains and Coaches need to be in place now for Winter training in preparation for the next season?

Also, where did all the 'roles' come about. It seems most Ultimate clubs have the same roles or positions as each other, did we all just copy each other? Not many other UK sports clubs have a 'President'. If the sport was invented in the UK, I wonder what roles we'd have had then?

I wonder who will be at the reigns of my club* after tonight, I'll probably ponder that whilst at Quarry Park on Sunday, playing a game of disc golf. Come join me.

*my club, as in the club I belong to, not meant in the possessive, although it is my club.

This post was mostly written whilst reviewing the exec roles and responsibilities document.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be afraid of job titles - be very afraid. I *think* I know what you are saying - so why not shake up the tiles next time around - I mean WHY do you have to have P-resident why not a chief ? OK so I have no say in the club considering my 9 month absence and non attendance to the AGM - but if in the reshuffle the position of Daddy comes up - I can stand as a qualified and experienced candidate... Oh and it IS your club.