
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Donate a Disc...

Some of you may or may not know about the Lemmings Ultimate and Cancer REsearch or LUCRE annual fundraiser tournament I run each year. It's a one-day, indoor Ultimate tournament held in the Midlands. LUCRE 2009 raised £550 for Cancer Research UK, and the target for LUCRE 2010 in January is to raise even more than this.

A large proportion of the money raised comes from Team Entry Fees, but a significant amount comes from a raffle that we hold on the day. Last year companies donated gifts, which we then used as raffle prizes. All of the money from raffle tickets sold also went to Cancer Research.

This year we thought as this is one of only a few (the only one?) charity Ultimate tournaments, that you as the Ultimate community would like to contribute. Similar to previous requests on BritDisc, we're suggesting that clubs 'Donate a Disc' to the raffle. Your club will go up onto the LUCRE website and also get a thanks in the full-colour programme on the day, plus you'll all get a warm glow inside from doing some good. If individuals want to donate a disc (or jersey) that's fine too, all we ask is that it's new. There are more details 'here', just click on the 'Donate a Disc' link.

I'll be at most forthcoming tournaments, which I've listed below, just find me (Lucas, Lemmings #8) or any Lemmings player, and donate away. If you'd like to post a disc, please email me and I'll give you my address.

Thanks very much, Thrillson.
lucasthrillson (at) gmail (dot) com

Come and give your disc to me or a Lemming here...
Sat 31st Oct - Hat-oween, Lady Hat Tournament, Warwick
Sun 8th Nov - Midlands Winter League, Nottingham
21st/22nd Nov - Club Open Indoor Regionals, Birmingham
Sat 5th Dec -
Thrillson's Throwabout, Warwick
Sun 13th Dec - Midlands Winter League, Nottingham
Sun 10th Jan - Midlands Winter League, Nottingham
16th/17th Jan - WIndoors, Warwick

Check out what a great job the charity does!
Cancer Research UK:

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