
Thursday, 8 October 2009

Unprecedented Demand

Wow, less than 24 hours since I announced Thrillson's Throwabout (yes, terrible name I know) and it's already more than half full. When I planned the Christmas Indoor Hat Tournament I didn't even know if I'd break even, but went ahead regardless, as I thought it'd be a fun thing to do around Xmas time, but at this rate fees will just about cover hall hire and a mince pie for players.

Just wondering, when do TD's find that they get the most sign-ups? I've found a flurry of registrations as soon as the tournament is announced and then a final flurry when the deadline is approaching (plus the inevitable people still trying to sign up after this when it's full).

UPDATE: Tournament now full.

This post was written whilst mostly drinking black coffee and eating croissants.

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